Rich is a Ratio

We've all heard stories about celebrity millionaires ending up broke. That is because being rich is not how much money you have. Being rich is how much money you have compared to what you spend. In other words, rich is being able to enjoy all life has to offer without being stressed about money. Learn more about how we find the right balance between spending and saving so you can lead a richer life.

One of the keys to this is a budget. Some people cringe when they hear the word budget. But budgeting shouldn't be hard or make you sacrifice the things you enjoy. We start by tracking how much money is coming in and going out each month. If the numbers look good, we may not want to change anything. If the numbers need improvement, we'll evaluate different options. That way you can keep doing the things you enjoy most.

Evaluating options doesn't have to mean cutting things out, it can also mean making room for even greater things in your life. Whether you've always dreamed of going to Tahiti or owning a Ferrari you'll have a far better chance of doing it by making a budget.

You may even find that you enjoy life more with the additional confidence of a budget. That's because you'll be focusing on the biggest, most important things to you. Imagine having a list of the most important things you want to do in life and getting to accomplish all the things at the top. All it takes is intentionally spending your money in a way to make you as happy as possible.

It doesn't matter how large you live, if it comes with the additional cost of worry, you'll find yourself more stressed and less happy. Understanding your cashflow is a key part of financial planning. When you have a great financial plan, you never have to feel guilty about how you spend your money.

If you want someone to help you build a better future give me a call. You might like working with me because investments contain the risk of loss. Before implementing any investment strategy, you should consult with an expert to look at the details in your financial situation.